Sunday, November 27, 2011

Christmas 2011

SUV Sends Cyclist Sailing;

Single-handedly Sidelines Summer

On their further quest to get in shape, Megan and Harold started attending a spin class (that’s exercising on a stationary bike for you neophytes) in January.  It took Megan about a month to get her “sea legs” and then the fun began.  Since Megan has never exercised hard enough to perspire before, it was amazing for both her and Harold to see sweat running down her face and off the end of her nose!  Harold got in the spirit of it by counting the drops underneath her bike at the end of each class.
     They were going strong for several months and even started planning biking trips together once the weather turned warmer.  By May, Harold had started biking outside while Megan (still a bit timid) continued her spin class. On June 13th, Harold was biking with his buddy when Megan got home from her class.  The phone rang and it was Harold’s buddy asking, “Have you heard yet?” Well, she knew that couldn’t be good … and it wasn’t.
     While ‘biking through the boonies’ near Black Diamond, Harold was rear-ended by an SUV which had strayed past the fog line.  He was thrown ahead and struck his biking buddy, Allen.  Both hit the pavement; Allen broke his finger, but Harold wasn’t so lucky.  Fortunately, several cars stopped to assist, including an acquaintance. 
     By the time Megan arrived in the emergency room, they were just wheeling Harold back from x-rays.  After a few hours, we were told he had a concussion (he broke his helmet), a broken arm, a broken rib, a bruised kidney and some nasty road rash. After several more doctor appointments, it was determined that he also had three cracks in his pelvis and a cracked 2nd lumbar vertebrae.
     If you know Harold, you know he never gets sick and, if he’s hurt, he just keeps going. He has always been there for Megan through all her sicknesses and surgeries.  Now, she was thankful for the opportunity to finally be able to reciprocate and be his nursemaid.  Although it was a lot of work tending to his injuries, waiting on him and getting him to doctor’s appointments, etc., it was much more work playing “prison guard” and keeping him in a prone or sitting position for any length of time. Thank goodness for extra pain meds!
Harold was confined to a wheelchair for a while, graduating to a cane and finally just plain limping around. He still attends physical therapy twice a week.  The doctors say he just has to be patient; but then, you know Harold ...
“... and that is what I did on my summer vacation.”

Both Daughters-In-Law turn the Big Three-Oh!

Pictures from Emily's Masquerade Birthday Party.

He May Never Play at Carnegie Hall, but…
Behind the scenes
Ben is loving his job at Microsoft as the Sr. Executive Communications Manager for Windows Embedded Business. No one is exactly sure what he does there, but it seems he spends part of his time writing and directing video content that the business uses online and at conferences around the world.
Last spring, he put together a video that highlighted how many times each day you use the products his team produces.  
While the main character goes about his day, a “mysterious figure” performs Chopin’s 7th Waltz in C# in the background at Benaroya Hall in Seattle. The concept called for a tall, bald, classical piano player.  Hmmmmm … who fits that bill … ?

So, 39 days after his “near death” experience on his bike, here’s what happened.  
Note: director's cameo at 3:17.


The End of an Era (?)
It all started in 1973.  Harold was still in college
and wanted to coach. His high school coach provided
an opportunity and the rest is history.

After 39 years, seven schools and a lifetime football
record of 146-49, Coach Hawk is hangin’ up his cleats.

Lots of wonderful memories, great relationships,
and no regrets.


Naomi's blessing - February
Popcorn, Jacob and Emily's puppy - May
Newport, Oregon - July

San Juan Islands - July

Halloween - October

Walking the anteater on Asher's 3rd birthday
 at Point Defiance Zoo - December

Naomi 1, Asher 3


“Anyone who imagines that bliss is normal is going to waste a lot of time running around shouting that he’s been robbed. The fact is that most putts don’t drop, most beef is tough, most children grow up to be just people, most successful marriages require a high degree of mutual toleration; most jobs are more dull than otherwise. Life is like an old time railway journey… delays, sidetracks, smoke, dust, cinders, and jolts, interspersed only occasionally by beautiful vistas and thrilling bursts of speed. The trick is to thank the Lord for letting you have the ride.” 
- Gordon B. Hinckley