Monday, December 29, 2014

Christmas 2014

Christmas 2014 -- Merry Christmas to all our family and friends!

Charged to Charm Children, Changes at Church Cheer the Chosen
Harold & Megan both get new jobs at Church

Megan is enjoying her new involvement as a Cub Scout Den Leader.  Even though working with 8 year old boys can sometime feel like herding cats, she appreciates their exuberance and the chance to release some of her creative juices. When she helped out in July at Cub Scout Day Camp though, it almost killed her.
After serving for over 2 years as the Seminary Supervisor, Harold got what he considers to be the best job in the Church – Primary Pianist!  They call him 'Brother Happy Hands'.

Harold rode the annual 200-mile STP (Seattle to Portland) biking adventure again this year.  It was VERY hot (95-100), so his time on Saturday was sub-par.  But the second day was in the 70's and he averaged almost 20 mph.  Here is a picture at mile 140 (end of day #1 at Vader, WA) with four buddies from Church.  Yes ... I'm the 'old man' of this group of whippersnappers!

Harold's job moved to Mukilteo in July to help complete the new Air Force tanker. There ain't nothing like a restful 80+ mile commute every day!

This gave Megan and Harold an idea – dueling limericks about his new job.

     They gave me a new job at work;
     Informed me that *travel* could lurk.
     But I was surprised
     When I soon realized,
     My commute isn’t much of a perk.
                                                         - Harold

     On a summer day, Harold said, “Gee, Oh…
     I want to – more of the world – see, Oh.”
     To Boeing, he made noise,
     and now he enjoys
     the scenic drive to Mukilteo.

Go ahead ... vote for your favorite limerick!

Harold & Megan spent a quiet, restful week in Whistler, B.C.  During their stay, Harold got in 138 miles riding through the Canadian Rockies.
As a part of their fairly new and odd “hobby”, on their way to and from Whistler, they also visited 8 Costco warehouses in Vancouver, B.C. and a couple more in Washington. The goal being to visit every warehouse in their path as they travel around the state / country.  The total at this point is 28.  Whoo-hoo!

Happy Anniversary #39
16 August 2014

Naomi's 4th Birthday  22 November

We gave Naomi these pink pony slippers; she refused to take them off, even when she went to bed.
The perks of turning four: Hands-free cupcake consumption.

One of the party's main attractions: A "piñata" made from a used grocery bag with a Hello Kitty coloring book page taped to it, and hung with two broken jump ropes.
Ben is a fun and wonderful father.
Picking berries in their pajamas.  And if you don't want to pick, the bowl doubles as a hat!

September – It seems too hard to believe, but Megan & Harold now have a grandchild in Kindergarten. Asher has entered the public school system.

Following in Big Brother’s footstep, Naomi is in preschool.  Here is one of her first masterpieces.
Naomi is also a soccer star! Watch it here

Nora  the newest Fun Kid!

On a lovely, warm & sunny September day in Seattle, Megan, Harold and all their progeny met for a ride on the city’s newest tourist attraction – the Great Wheel.

                                           Ben, Naomi, Cathryn, Nora, Asher


Megan, Emily, Søren, Harold

What a view!

Sleepover fun making cookies with Grandma and Grandpa.
 Riding the train from Tukwila to Seattle ... and back!

Søren loves Grammie and Grand Dad!

Ask Søren to blink and this is what you get!

Harold visited Ben on site at a Boeing hanger to witness one of his incredible Microsoft videos.

* * * * * * 2014 Birthdays* * * * *
March – Søren turns 1!           September  Nora turns 1!
November – Naomi 4th            December – Asher 6th

Our grandchildren love to read!


Fun riding in the wagon pulled by Grandpa!
Naomi, Søren and Asher

Other stuff ................
Harold hooked up with 3 of his great-nephews to ride mountain bikes on the John Wayne trail from Monroe, Washington to Coeur d'Alene, Idaho.  We covered about 300 miles. What a rush!
Headed east from Ellensburg toward Vantage
and the Columbia River
Dallin, Josh and Great-Uncle Harold (aka Gunk)
at Ensign Ranch near Cle Elum

The Boeing KC-46  the new Air Force Tanker preparing for flight test in December.

For those who may not know .... 
Megan was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1991 and was 'clean' for almost 24 years. Sadly, her doctors detected a resurgence in November.  On December 10, they performed a unilateral mastectomy.  Her surgeons are very happy with the results and Megan is recovering well. Thanks to all for your love, support and prayers!

Some Christmas messages for you ...

      He is the Gift

      The Coat

      The Christmas Story   ... as told by children from St Paul’s Church in New Zealand

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and lve to
all our family, friends and neighbors!

   ~ Harold and Megan