Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Christmas 2015

Couple credits corps of kind caretakers to convalesce comfortably and conquer crisis

Greetings family and friends! It's that time of year to reach out to those we love.  It certainly has been an eventful 12 months.

Megan began the new year with surgery on January 19th to install a port-o-cath in her chest. It healed fairly quickly and she had her first infusion on January 30th. In the 25 years since Megan last had chemotherapy, she says the procedure has improved by leaps and bounds. Instead of enduring drug treatments on a weekly basis that made her look and feel like death warmed over, this time it was only every 3 weeks for four treatments. There was still some nausea and malaise but nothing like 25 years ago. This may sound a bit weird, but she actually looked forward to her all-day stays in the hospital; people catering to her every need and bringing her whatever she wanted from the menu. She says she considered it her “Spa day”!  Get real, Megan ...

Between her first and second infusion (and before her hair had the chance to fall out in clumps over several weeks), Megan took a proactive approach and threw herself a small party which she referred to as Family Hair Evening. ß click here
She and Harold met for dinner with their sons, DILs, 4½ grandchildren, Velvet (her hair stylist) and her husband. After dinner they all went back to the salon where her hair stylist proceeded to shave Megan’s head. Then Harold and both sons had their heads shaved as well in solidarity. All-in all, a fun evening.  After that, Megan began experimenting with head coverings.

Clear and Clean
As Megan was recuperating in between Chemo infusions, we took a short vacation to Wapato Point at Lake Chelan in late March.  It was a nice, low-key get away.  Quiet and beautiful.

Back to School for Megan!  After a four-month break, Megan went back to work in April.  She kept the interest of the teachers and kids with her wide variety of hats and scarves.

Our fifth grandchild, Lydia Candace Hawken was born on 7 May 2015 at 11:11am, weighing 7lbs 6oz.  A little bundle of joy in the middle of a trying year!

Calm and Contented
Looking forward to and dreading the upcoming surgery, Harold and Megan took their one summer vacation to Blanchard, ID near Coeur d'Alene where they relaxed, enjoyed the beautiful scenery and visited with good friends Bob and Bev Mallory.

Just days before the big surgery, Harold embarked on his annual cycling adventure - the 200 mile Seattle-to-Portland (STP) bike trip.  The previous month he also enjoyed the 100 mile Flying Wheels ride through the Snoqualmie River valley.

Megan underwent a prophylactic mastectomy and reconstructive surgery of both breasts and a ‘tummy tuck’. It was a twelve-hour surgery with 5 days in the hospital, 2 of them in ICU. Recovery was, what we considered, long and challenging. It took two and half months for Megan to recover enough to go back to work.

Megan went back to school in October, 5 weeks late.  People were either glad to see her and gave her a hug or they didn’t recognize her and walked on by!  We have to admit she does look a little different. Instead of the long, straight, brunette bob hairdo, it is now about 2 inches long, salt and pepper, and in full “poodle curl”!  She has been told that she looks very “chic”. Whatever….

Milestone anniversaries this year – March 6th was the 45th anniversary of Megan & Harold’s first date and August 16 was their 40th wedding anniversary.  They enjoyed a quiet celebration as Megan was still in too much pain to do much merrymaking.  Jacob and Emily brought over a cake from the same bakery (Borracchini's) that made our wedding cake. It was very thoughtful and delicious!

This Fall, Harold was asked by some teachers at Fairwood Elementary to coach the newly formed Math Bonanza Club.  “Coach Hawk” made the transition from cleats to white boards.  Instead of urging his athletes to run faster and hit harder, he now encourages his mathletes to think faster and concentrate harder.  What’s the difference?  
At the Kent District Math Bonanza in November, our school placed second!  Yea for math!


We want to thank all of our thoughtful friends and relatives who showed their love and support through their kind thoughts, earnest prayers and loving service to us during this difficult year.


Aren't they cute?

Søren Hawken – 2½

Naomi, Nora, Asher and Lydia

Lydia Candace Hawken

Søren Hawken
Future Missionary