Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Christmas 2019

Welcome to ...

February   Snowmaggedon! 

It started snowing here in the great Northwest and it went on for days.  H&M have never seen this much snow….ever (having both lived here for over 65 years) Driving was next to impossible. The snow that was plowed to the side of the road left 6-7 foot mountains at every intersection. School was canceled for an entire week and then there was another week off for Winter Break. Because of all the snow days, school lasted until June 25th. Ugh! M&H spent those two weeks off downsizing their home.  They hauled away over 100 apple-sized boxes of un-needed or un-wanted stuff … so far.

Once the snow let up and roads were cleared Megan and Harold also started to remodel their guest bathroom  new tub, tile and heated floor!  All of these luxurious ammenities are available when you come to visit.

April   After several years of not having one, M&H planted a vegetable garden this year including tomatoes, cucumbers, green beans, snap peas, cabbage, broccoli. The problem we had this year was that not enough sunshine hit our garden.  Our trees in the back yard have gotten so tall over the last 30 years that they now block out most of our backyard sunshine. We are considering a lumberjack ...

Tangled mess
May   Megan had been walking by a long-neglected rhododendron garden at Kentridge for 16 years and could take it no longer.  She asked for permission to clean it up and, after it went through the proper channels, permission was granted.  There were 9 Large rhodies and 17 somewhat smaller azaleas. Starting in May, and almost every day for over a month, Megan worked her project. She would finish her teaching work day, change her clothes in the bathroom, and then begin her gardening work day.

Master aborist
Harold would get there when he was through subbing each day.   Megan pruned and Harold hauled away piles and piles of pruned branches.  As the look of the garden slowly morphed, interest was raised amongst the staff and students.  Near the end of our project, we had several students help to haul it all away and several staff  (including admin) volunteered as we laid down 10 cubic yards of bark. Back-breaking work, but we thoroughly enjoyed it.
Pruned, cleared and ready for beauty bark

Other teachers are now asking us to take on another neglected garden there and permission has already been granted!  We will start in the spring of 2020!
Idaho Falls Temple
July   Over the years, H&M have enjoyed many trips to the west side of Idaho, mainly in the Coeur D’ Alene area.  This year they decided to check out what’s happening on the east side of the state and spent a week in Idaho Falls and the surrounding area.  We had a good time exploring, enjoying the sunshine, a parade during Arco Atomic Days and shooting ground squirrels in Darlington.
Arco Atomic Days

Friendship Garden

Sawtooth Mountains
St. Johns Bridge over
the Willamette River
Last but not least ... three more Costcos visited in Missoula, Boise and Richland!

STP 2019 -- Harold has lost track of the number of STPs he has completed. 25?  He always enjoys the opportunity to lay claim to youth and vitality and will continue as long as he is able ... or until his riding partner tells him to get lost.  206 miles in 14 hours.  Check out the STP Hall of Fame!   ç click here

August   National Night Out was August 6th this year.  H&M and neighbors enjoyed a potluck dinner in the nearby cul de sac. It was fun to get to know and keep in touch with our good neighbors!

On August 24th, H&M hosted the Riley (M’s maiden name for those who don’t know) Siblings’ BBQ.  The day was also what would have been their late mother’s (Carmen Beckley Riley) 95th birthday. They honored her by having three of her favorite desserts and telling funny stories about her.

The new school year started the last week of August and Megan began her 16th year at Kentridge High Schoool, 17th year in the KSD.  Harold is still subbing throughout the district.

September   Megan is back in Primary teaching 5-6 year olds and Harold is the Ward Financial Clerk. H&M also teach the weekly Self Reliance class on Personal Finances.

Rafting the Tieton River southeast of Mt. Ranier.  Good times!

October For her 66th birthday in October, Harold took Megan to Las Vegas to see the Donny and Marie Show at the Flamingo Hotel.  After eleven years of performing there, their last show was November 16th. M&H stayed at the Flamingo, so all they had to do was take an elevator from their room down to the theater.  H & M had created a sign that she carried everywhere on her birthday and Harold took pictures of her.  The evening of her birthday, they went to the D&M show.  At one point in the show, Donny announced that he wanted to give away one of his 60th CDs.  He asked the audience for suggestions on who to give it to.

The Flamingo Hotel, Las Vegas
At that point, Megan held her sign above her head as people all over in the audience pointed at her.  Donny looked over and read the sign:
   "Is it really your birthday today?" he asked.
   "Yes, it is" she replied.
   "What’s your name?"
   "How do you spell your name, Megan?"
   "M - e - g - a - n"
   "How old are you?"
   "Older than you!"
   "OK. You’ll see why I’m asking in a second."
   "I'm 66."
   "66? ... OK, hit it guys ..."

click here è    Donny Osmond Serenades Megan

If it went by too fast, watch it again and you will see Megan's name up in lights on the screen.  Megan is even said to have leaped out of her chair during the song and danced in the aisle.  But, since no one she knows actually saw her do it, it will remain a mysterious part of “Megan Lore”.

For the next week or so, Megan couldn’t wipe this big silly grin off of her face. And, every once in a while, she will still break out in a chorus of, “Megan, It’s your birthday!!!

Skykomish mini-train
Naomi, age 9 -- Master Baker
Nora, Asher (11) and Lydia (4) with Grandma
Nora's 6th birthday

Soren (6) and Margot (3) visit 'Pa' and 'Bucky'

Soren and Margo sing to their Grandmother   ç click here
     compare to Donny Osmond video above!

Our Grand Dog "Popcorn"
Megan's Mothers Day Fuschia